NEW CENTURY GP (00234.HK) -0.003 (-2.000%)
issued a positive profit alert, expecting to record a substantial increase of around 3.9 times yearly in net profit for the six months ended September 2014. The increase was mainly due to the gain on disposal of hotel business at Batam Resort; and the fair value gains of the securities trading even though there were fair value losses on cruise ships
CITIC Annual Net Profit Up 1.8% to $43.902B; Final Div $0.25 CITIC (00267.HK) -0.160 (-1.447%) Short selling $8.89M; Ratio 25.055% announced that for the year ended December 2017, net profit rose 1.8% yearly to $43.902 billion, with an EPS of $1.51. A final dividend of $0.25 was declared. Profit contribution from financial sector of the company amounted to $39.5 billion, up 3% yearly. CITIC Construction continued to make inroads securing projects, both domestically and internationally, particularly along the Belt and Road corridor.
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