VTECH HOLDINGS (00303.HK) +0.350 (+0.380%)
Short selling $7.78M; Ratio 18.945%
has made good preparation of stocking for Christmas and most of the new toys have been put on shelves in the U.S. and Europe, Citigroup said in a report. However, the broker reduced the company's earnings forecasts for 2015-17 by 2-3% on greater efforts in offering discount for kids' tablet products. Target price was lowered from $120 to $115.
VTECH HOLDINGS has fallen 14% recently, providing a good entry opportunity, Citigroup said. The broker believes the stock can outperform its peers and achieve the 2015 results target, so the Buy rating has been maintained.
VTECH HOLDINGS has fallen 14% recently, providing a good entry opportunity, Citigroup said. The broker believes the stock can outperform its peers and achieve the 2015 results target, so the Buy rating has been maintained.
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