PETROCHINA (00857.HK) +0.260 (+2.368%) Short selling $251.31M; Ratio 15.528% is going to publish its interim results this Thursday. According to the estimates made by five brokers, the company's interim net profit is expected to range from RMB67.5 billion to RMB70.286 billion as compared to the year-ago net profit of RMB65.521 billion.
Broker / Profit Forecast / Change (yoy)
Deutsche Bank / RMB70.286 billion / +7.3%
Citigroup / RMB69.291 billion / +5.8%
BofA Merrill Lynch / RMB69.031 billion / +5.4%
BNP Paribas / RMB67.722 billion / +3.4%
BOC International / RMB67.5 billion / +3.0%
Change (yoy): based on the net profit of RMB65.521 billion in 1H2013
(Quote is delayed for at least 15 mins.Short Selling Data as at 2014-08-26 16:25.)
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