BANKCOMM (03328.HK)  -0.100 (-1.730%)     Short selling $12.22M; Ratio 8.119%     announced that its net profit rose 5.59% year-on-year to RMB36.773 billion in the first six months of 2014. EPS was RMB0.5. No dividend was declared.

During the period, net interest income grew 3.39% to RMB67.211 billion. Net interest spread and net interest margin were 2.2% and 2.39%, down 19 bps and 17 bps from a year ago, respectively. Net fee and commission income rose 13% to RMB15.701 billion. 

Tier-1 capital adequacy ratio and core tier-1 capital adequacy ratio improved 0.94 ppt from the end of last year to 10.7%. Impaired loans ratio lifted from 1.05% at end-2013 to 1.13%. Provision coverage dropped 9.49 ppt from end-2013 to 204.16%. 

As at the end of June, the group's non-performing loan ratio increased from 1.05% to 1.13%.
(Quote is delayed for at least 15 mins.Short Selling Data as at 2014-08-21 16:25.)


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